Keyboard shortcut close all windows mac
Keyboard shortcut close all windows mac

Only use this method if you need to, as Macs work better when they are shut down correctly. Wait for around 30 seconds before pressing the Power button on again.Long press the Power button on your Mac until the screen is black and the power light goes off.If your Mac still hasn’t shut down, you can use force: And on very old Macs it’s “Command” + “Control” + “Eject.” This will quit the open apps before shutting the Mac down. If not, on newer Macs try shortcut: “Control” +”Option” + “Command” + Power button.Long pressing the Power button for a few seconds, then hopefully, the dialog box asking whether you want to sleep, restart, or shut down should appear.If the cursor does not respond, then try: If you think your Mac won’t shut down because it is frozen, try moving the cursor around to confirm. On the other hand, if it doesn’t, keep reading. Once the apps are closed, your Mac should shut down as expected.

keyboard shortcut close all windows mac

You can force quit an app by right-clicking it on the Dock and choosing “Force Quit.”

keyboard shortcut close all windows mac

If an app still doesn’t shut down, you can “Force Quit.” However, this may result in lost data, so it might be worth taking a screenshot of the doc to help recreate data loss.

keyboard shortcut close all windows mac

If you choose “Cancel,” it will also cancel the shutdown request.

  • If a file needs saving, click on “Save” from the alert window for each doc.
  • Check if there are any app alerts on the Dock these will indicate that something requires your attention.

  • Keyboard shortcut close all windows mac